IBS Tales Home > IBS Tales Hope Awards
hope awards
The IBS Tales Hope Awards are currently being presented to websites that offer positive support and encouragement to anyone suffering from a chronic medical problem. In particular, the awards recognize websites that:
- offer accurate information and resources for patients
- encourage sufferers to search for new treatments and hope
- refuse to accept inadequate medical advice or doctors who tell us to 'learn to live with it'!
The awards were created because of demand from visitors to our own website, IBS Tales. Many visitors want to recommend websites that they have found very useful when dealing with any of the medical conditions that they suffer from.
We therefore decided to set up the Hope Awards to reward websites that support people through all kinds of different illnesses and long-term medical issues.
how to display the award
To display the Hope Award on your site, simply add the following code to your web page:
Code for the big logo:
<img src='https://www.ibstales.com/images/hopeaward.jpg' alt='IBS Tales Hope Award'>

Code for the small logo:
<img src='https://www.ibstales.com/images/hopeawardsmall.jpg' alt='IBS Tales Hope Award'>
Or, if you prefer, just right-click one of the logos, choose 'Save target as', and upload it to your site.
If you have any problems displaying the award please do get in touch.
further nominations
If you have any other suggestions for websites that might qualify for the IBS Tales Hope Award please get in touch. Sites should be easy to navigate, with good and original content - but most of all they should offer positive support and encouragement for people who are suffering.
When you are nominating a site please include the URL (web address) of the site and a brief (no more than 100 words) description of why the site is worthwhile.