IBS Tales Home > Treatment Reviews > IBS Supplements > Aloe Vera

aloe vera
Rated 4.6/5 based on 5 reviews
Aloe vera is simply a supplement which is made from the aloe vera plant. Although it is perhaps best known as an ingredient in things like soap, and an external treatment for minor burns and skin problems, it is also available as a supplement which is ingested. The most common use for aloe vera is as a laxative, although it is marketed by some companies as a general IBS supplement. It is available in a range of forms, including caplets, juice and a gel. Products come in a variety of strengths and concentrations.
Aloe vera side effects
The common side effects of aloe vera are stomach upsets, diarrhea and cramps.
Review by Mike
I found aloe vera juice to be a key part of my recovery from IBS. At first I took 2oz twice a day, with immediate results. My BMs became increasingly regular and healthy. I also quit drinking coffee and ate organic sprouted wheat toast and a fruit and yogurt smoothie every morning. The aloe vera juice gave my body the boost it needed to conquer IBS. Today, I am completely cured and don't even need the juice anymore. This process took about 10 months.
Review by Jose
Since I've started taking Serovera my internal functions have been in fine order. I've been dealing with IBS for many years now (since my teens and I'm pushing 31, diagnosed at 26). I never really understood what the problem was, I just knew that certain foods brought me to a crawl. I was taking Prednisone for a while with mediocre results. I started eating a lot and consequently gained weight. I'm off it now, and 20lbs lighter.
It's funny, but today I'm more concerned about adverse effects of IBS prescriptions than I am about my IBS itself. Nevertheless, after reading and learning about how Serovera is a natural solution, I gave it a go. Serovera has helped to bring my intestinal system in order, and I'm doing great! I'm still popping Imodium every now and then but for the most part, I haven't looked back (or crawled for that matter!).
Review by Michele
After suffering from stomach pains (they really hurt), always being in between constipation and diarrhea, often having fecal incontinence (highly embarrassing as a 30 year-old) and having all kinds of tests at various hospitals I was diagnosed with IBS 11 years ago. Looking back it seems like I've had it since my early teens.
Very stressful things that are unavoidable can set things off, as well as an intolerance to wheat, but I have found a natural way to relieve my bad guts! I have been taking aloe vera, both in caplet form and in gel form, for 11 years, and I have found that is by far the best treatment. I can even eat a normal sandwich without me rushing to the loo minutes after I have eaten. The gel can be taken in the morning, and the capsules can be taken once a day, or twice if needed at meal times.
I have found I can drink a little alcohol (hurray!) and eat a bit more normally (although I still eat wheat-free as much as possible) and generally lead a more normal life. I personally do not like the idea of taking prescribed medication as certain stressful things, like children's illnesses/getting married/moving house etc are unavoidable stressful situations. I have often taken days off sick if I have missed taking aloe vera for a few days and my symptoms return.
Review by Tania 
I was diagnosed with IBS three years ago. Two out of those three years were pretty much hell and nothing seemed to make me feel any better. One year ago I started taking two aloe vera capsules a day which I bought from the health shop. They have really helped. I still do have days when I'm unwell but nothing like before. I hope they can help others.
Review by Alan 
I used aloe vera as a juice and found it very effective in the short term. After about two months its effectiveness seemed to diminish. I did not take it for about another two months and then started again. It is making a slight difference but not as much as the first time. I would recommend aloe vera as a short-term relief but for me it did not work in the long term.
Do you suffer from IBS? Have you tried aloe vera? Please contact Sophie to send in your review.