welcome to ibs tales!
If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or care about someone who does, this site is for you. My name is Sophie Lee and I have had IBS for over 20 years. I am a reluctant expert on this painful, misunderstood disorder and I started IBS Tales in 2003.
I am also the author of Sophie's Story: My 20-Year Battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome which tells my complete IBS story, from food poisoning at age 12 through years of constipation, diarrhea and pain and then finally some relief after almost two decades.
What you can find on this site...
- More than 600 personal IBS stories in three sections, Happy Tales, Sad Tales and Embarrassing Tales.
- More than 1000 reviews of IBS medications, diets, supplements and therapies in the Treatment Reviews section.
- An exclusive extract from my book, Sophie's Story: My 20-Year Battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
- Information on the symptoms, causes and diagnosis of IBS, plus oddments, in the About IBS section.
Why create a site like IBS Tales?
Because I've had IBS since I was 12, and I know what IBS sufferers go through. We suffer from a disorder that is not only painful but also incredibly embarrassing. We get told by our doctors that our problems are in our minds or that IBS is untreatable.
Friends and colleagues tell us that IBS doesn't exist or that it's cured with a bit of bran. Family members think that we are exaggerating or using our symptoms as an excuse.
And everybody thinks that IBS is no big deal. They're all wrong! The stories on IBS Tales show just how this disorder can affect your life, your work, and your sanity, and it's about time that we started getting the respect that we deserve.
The stories and treatment reviews also show that it is possible to beat IBS. There are drugs that works, there are supplements that work, and there are diets that work, and no-one who suffers from IBS should feel alone. There is a way out, and I very much hope that you find comfort, understanding and support right here on IBS Tales.
Why not start with some of the site's most popular pages? You can read reviews of Miralax, an IBS Diet, a wheat-free diet, Metamucil, Citrucel, Dulcolax, Buscopan, Librax and Questran.
What IBS sufferers (and a doctor) have said about IBS Tales...
'A fascinating and moving site for anyone with IBS, their relatives and doctors.' From the book IBS: Answers At Your Fingertips by Dr Udi Shmueli, Consultant Gastroenterologist at Northampton General Hospital, UK
'Today I found this website, read one of the stories and cried. It is such a relief to know that other people feel this too. The fear I feel is indescribable when I know I need to get to the toilet, and I know what is in store. Sometimes when I'm in pain I wonder if childbirth will be as bad as this.' Diana
'I just want to say that I spent an hour reading these stories with tears in my eyes, a knot in my stomach and a pair of lighter shoulders. I cannot believe that I am not alone in every aspect of discomfort and misery!' Lynn
'For the last year or more, this website has given me the courage to begin to speak out - publicly - about this wretched condition. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.' Rebecca
'I have just discovered this website and it has given me much comfort as no-one else understands the embarrassment, worry and pain unless they have IBS.' Alicia
'I'm now 20 and suffer from IBS. I try and make light of it but I actually cried reading this website as it was the first time I didn't feel like an utter freak. Thank you so much.' Lisa
'I've just received a copy of Sophie's Story and you mention a gluten-free diet so I'm now going to try that because there really is nothing else left. You have really been an inspiration to me and I thank you for that.' Linda
What's new?
18 August 2020
The FDA has cleared a new product called IB-Stim that can help tackle abdominal pain in young IBS sufferers aged 11 to 18. Find out more by clicking here.
24 July 2020
Read a new review of Linzess today.
30 January 2020
There's a new review of Buscopan today.
16 January 2020
Read new reviews of Linzess and Librax.
1 January 2020
There are new reviews of Imodium and Citrucel today.
29 October 2019
Read a new review of Questran.
11 September 2019
There are new reviews of Miralax and Dulcolax.
28 April 2019
Read new reviews of Duspatalin, Linzess, Amitiza and the IBS Audio Program.
10 April 2019
There are new reviews today of the antibiotic Xifaxan which is often used to treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
30 March 2019
There's a new review of milk of magnesia, a review of Questran and a review of Bentyl today.
26 March 2019
Read a new review of Citrucel today.
10 February 2019
There are new reviews of Linzess and bentyl.
5 February 2019
Read a new review of milk of magnesia.
6 January 2019
There's a new review of Imodium.
30 December 2018
Read a new review of acidophilus and a review of Amitiza.
There's a new review of Linzess today.
19 November 2018
Read a new review of Dulcolax.
8 November 2018
There's a new review of Zelnorm.
Read new reviews of Zelnorm and Questran and there's a new IBS Tale from AB who has found a link between IBS and sleep apnea.
19 September 2018
There are new reviews of Miralax and Lomotil.
29 August 2018
Read a new review of Questran today.
28 May 2018
There's a new review of Questran, one of Imodium and another of glycerin suppositories.
5 May 2018
Read a new review of Questran and a new IBS story from Bronnie.
1 April 2018
There are new reviews of Librax and Questran and a new IBS story from Charles.
20 March 2018
Read new reviews of Imodium, Colestid and a review of Digestive Advantage.
25 February 2018
There are new reviews of Welchol, Dulcolax and Exlax and a new IBS personal story from Nicole.
2 February 2018
Read new reviews of Dulcolax and Metamucil and a new IBS Tale from Elisa.
23 January 2018
There's a new review of codeine today.
7 January 2018
Read a new review of Pepto-bismol and a new IBS story from Pamela.
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